Home, at last!
We have escaped! We crossed the border at about 3 pm
Tuesday. Although we did not kiss the
ground (we were on the ferry) we did a little dance, thanked everyone, then
apologized for being intrusive, eh.
So far, wherever we have been, we
love to come back to Canada. We really
do live in the best country in the world.
Part of that feeling comes from familiarity, I know, but nevertheless I
still believe we are the best place to live.
The scenery is beautiful, the smiles are genuine and we care for each other.
Don’t get me wrong the Americans are
good hosts. Individually they are the
same as people everywhere; for the most part genuine and friendly. There are some philosophical differences,
however, that are a problem for us.
I think the biggest thing for us is
the “Old Testament” thinking that abounds south of the border. You know the Old Testament: Love Me or I will Smite Thee. I find it hard to imagine feeling all warm
and fuzzy about someone who tells me to love him or he will light me on fire
and watch me burn for all eternity. In
mortal terms that means “Give US all your oil or I will Smite thee with Shock
and Awe”. Those tactics have been tried
for thousands of years. Hasn’t been that
There is a big market for portable
“Smiters” down there. They call them “handguns”. I guess that is how they reconcile the
Christianity with the weapons bit. If
God can smite you for not loving him – so can we! We just change a few words: for “God”
substitute “America” and for “the devil” substitute “Communist” or, to make it
simple, substitute “Everyone Else”. Very
big on the smiting thingy!
God bless America…
Fall leaves in Pioneer Park |
I do miss the sunshine and
warmth. I knew we were coming back to
“Victoria in November” weather but it was still a shock. Like that first plunge into the lake – you
know it is going to be bad but you do it anyway because it will be worth
it. But you still gasp, holler and
scrinch up your face.
It is nice to be back in our own
house, but we are sleeping in the study.
Our daughter and her fellow are living in and taking care of our house
while we are away. It is a small house
and there are two families worth of stuff in it, which leaves only a limited
space for people. It is a good thing we
get along! Including the tenants downstairs
we have six people living in a house that is really meant for two. We don’t mind, but I am not sure in what
mental state my daughter will be in by the time we leave… Mind you, that is a concern every time we
We leave on the next stage of our
journey on the 20th of November to head to Southeast Asia. That gives us almost three weeks here to take
care of a few things like dentist appointments, hair appointments (Telen – not
me!), travel agent appointments, re-packing, etc. etc.
Reality rears its ugly head once
However, we also get to visit with
friends and family that we have missed.
In most cases that bit is not so ugly.
At least for us – I cannot speak for them.
Even though we have things to do we are still in holiday mode. Translation: lack of motivation. I find myself reading in bed until midnight
or 1 am and getting up around 9 am. At
least that is the plan. Bug (my
daughter’s cat) has decided that I am the breakfast guy and she jumps on my
head at 6:30 or 7 to get me motivated to feed her. Cute can get you a long way with a guy but it really
drains his energy.
That sounds like a metaphor for
teenage relationships, doesn’t it?
We had to scrub the car. After driving across Canada and down through
the US we managed to terminate the lives of many, many insects. If they all count towards my Karma I have to
do a lot of reincarnations to
get caught up. Kind of like just paying
the minimum on a credit card – going to be a LONG time getting to Nirvana!