Albert Einstein:

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world
Albert Einstein

Monday, 20 February 2012



Since we made the decision to wander away from the mundane for a year (going walkabout - as the aussies say) we have had to make some decisions about what we want to keep.  Since the goal of the journey is to gather experiences we need to get rid of a lot of the stuff we have collected over the years.  Stuff holds you down and holds you back.  Like the old man in "Up" - until he got rid of the old stuff he was unable to experience the world. 

Ok.   We are not getting rid of everythingWe are also not leaving the world behind forever.   Just for a little while.  We want to come back.   So, we keep some stuff.  The Salvation Army has been a big beneficiary - maybe too much so: they are starting to know us by our first names down there.  

Who would have thought we had so much clothes!   I don't look good in clothes anyway, so why do I have so much to decorate myself?  Probably because, as bad as I look in clothes, I look so much worse without them. 
The more stuff we get rid of the better I feel.   I  am realizing that stuff owns you and not the other way around.  You think you are the proud owner of fine furniture but really the fine furniture owns you. 

 Kind of like a cat. 

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